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Jun 9, 2021
Book Club Catch-up!
It has been a long while since I did a book post for all of you! While we're back to regularly scheduled program this week with a June...

Dec 7, 2019
December Reading List
Between Thanksgiving and prep for the holidays, November got away from from! In the craziness, the blog really took a back seat! But I'm...

Oct 16, 2019
September got a little crazy and the blog took a bit of a backseat, so I missed the September reading list blog post. I included a few...

Aug 20, 2019
August Reading List
Can you believe there are only 11 days left in August?! WHERE did this Summer go? I was so over the NYC heat and all the non-leisure...

Jul 15, 2019
July Reading list
Welcome to Paige's Book Club! I'm taking a quick break from my Genre Spotlight posts to instead share with you all what I’m reading this...

Jun 2, 2019
Genre Spotlight: The Classics
Oh the classics! This is going to be part one of what will likely be a 5+ part series. One blog post simply can't cover or do justice to...

May 28, 2019
Genre Spotlight: All Things Politics
Note: I won't be talking about my political stances here. I'm an equal opportunist when it comes to reading books on politics. I'll read...
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