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August Reading List

Can you believe there are only 11 days left in August?! WHERE did this Summer go? I was so over the NYC heat and all the non-leisure travel I had to do, I found myself telling Fall to hurry up. But now that we're little more than a week away from September, I'm definitely feeling the Summertime blues.

I've gotten a ton of reading done this month (multiple plane rides will do that for ya!) and, per usual, my books picks have run the gambit genre-wise. You've got non-fiction, historical fiction, a couple of thrillers, and a political biography with a chic-lit twist!

Two of my favorites this month have been Into Thin Air and From the Corner of the Oval. I've read Into Thin Air twice before. Once in high school, and again in graduate school when my MBA cohort group did a case study and presentation on the 1996 Everest disaster. No matter how many times I've read the book, and regardless of the fact I already know what happens, this book still pulls me in. Gripping and tragic.

As for From the Corner of the Oval, you all know I'm a sucker for anything and everything political. Though, the political books I usually read don't involve people my age. Beck Dorey-Stein writes about her time as a then 26-year old stenographer in the Obama White House back in 2011. She combines politics with fun, gossipy insight on life in the Beltway. She does change some of the physical attributes about the people she writes (gossips) about, and it's added fun to try and guess who they are!

So, while there is still some time left, grab a good book, pull a chair out into the sun, and make the most of the last days of Summer!

You can shop all the titles in one place, HERE!

XOXO, Paige


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