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Back From Brain Rest

Hi again, how I've missed you!

I was diagnosed with a concussion last week and was strictly ordered to "brain rest", meaning lots of rest, avoiding loud noises/bright lights, and absolutely NO screen time! The first few days I slept practically the entire day and night, but by the fourth day I realized that concussion recovery is akin to the most boring sick day EVER!

I've never had a concussion before and while I mentioned recovery was boring, it was also very scary. The idea that your brain is bruised and needs to heal like any other bruise is crazy and healing a concussion is not to be messed with. My headaches were so bad, even 5 days out from the hit to the head, that I had to miss one of my best friend's bachelorette party in Colorado. While it was the right decision, it was a bummer nonetheless.

The concussion was awful, but I'm motivated to sustaining my approach to recovery even as the symptoms fade. Less screen time, more sleep and hydration, cutting out caffeine (my weakness), less alcohol (not a big drinker to begin with, but the NYC social scene calls for it more than in any time in my life), and reevaluating my diet (a lot of avocado, sweet potatoes, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and veggies were consumed this past week - brain food!)

It shouldn't have taken a concussion for me to realize I was developing bad habits, especially when it came to WAY too much screen time and cold brew, but I'm thankful for the forced reset!

I've been so sad to be away from the blog for a week. It is my creative outlet and favorite thing! But now that the headaches and screen sensitivities have subsided, I'll be back to my daily posting!

XOXO, Paige


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