It has been a long while since I did a book post for all of you! While we're back to regularly scheduled program this week with a June reading list for you all, I wanted to share some of the books I LOVED over the last few months.
I spent an inordinate amount of time on planes this Winter and Spring, which meant many a post security, pre-boarding minutes spent browsing airport bookstores for something new to read while in the air. Is there anything better?
I've shared a quick review as well as links to each of the titles below! There is a variation in genres, though I have certainly been on a bit of a thriller kick as of late.
Happy Reading!!

1. Come Fly the World by Julia Cooke - I've always been interested in Pan Am and the jet age. There was a 2011 tv show called Pan Am that I loved, featuring none other than my girl crush, Margot Robbie. It only lasted a season and I still rewatch it. This book talks all about what it was like being a stewardess at Pan Am. Oh, how times have changed, but it was certainly fun reading about the glamorous, educated, well-traveled and cultured women who were the face of this iconic airline.
2. The Guest List by Lucy Foley - WOW! This was one of my favorite books of the year. The characters were wonderfully written, the setting was fabulous and the twist at the end was executed perfectly. I read this one very quickly, staying up until 2AM reading by the light of my phone flashlight while Jerry slept.
3. The Mother-In-Law by Sally Hepworth - While this wasn't the favorite of my thrillers, I did very much enjoy it. It dives into family relationships, particularly the Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law dynamic. I remember while reading, thinking that the characters were very well crafted. The author gave their different perspectives and made me question where!
4. The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen - This was tied for my favorite thriller this year! I loved it. Just like with The Guest List, the twist was too good. Plus, it is set in NYC which is always fun for me. Another book I stayed up late into the night reading.
5. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig - I've recommended this book to more people than I can count, but can never quite explain the genre or really what the book is about. More than with any book I've read in a long while, this one made me think. I won't giveaway too much, but the book raises the idea that making a decision, even a seemingly small and inconsequential one, can completely change the trajectory of your life. While this seems like very heavy stuff, the author frames the story beautifully and the notion never becomes overwhelming.
6. Verity by Colleen Hoover - This book gave me the creeps in the way any good thriller should, not scary but certainly sinister. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but was a bit underwhelmed with the ending;. Let me know your thoughts on this if you give it a read!
7. The Other Woman by Sandie Jones - How many times will I say the twist was too good in this book review?! This was a 24-hour read for me. Excellent.
8. Northern Spy by Flynn Berry - I picked this up in the airport before a three flight travel day to a bachelorette party. I didn't do anything else on those flights but devour this book.
9. The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave - This book took me awhile to get into, but once I did I loved it. Give it 5is chapters before you give up on it, because it is a fabulous novel. I foresee this becoming a Reese Witherspoon movie/series à la Big Little Lies.