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Updated: Nov 13, 2019

I’ve been traveling a lot this summer. And the traveling has not been chic, international trips, but rather a whole lot of back and forth to Minnesota for family events, wedding showers and weddings. And while those are events I loved being at, travel out of NYC isn’t exactly stress free (or cheap for that matter).

My entire time living in NYC, I’ve been flying in and out of LaGuardia. The airport is under massive construction and simply getting out of LGA in your Uber (takes almost an hour during busy times *sigh*) alone is enough to wreak havoc on your skin and drive you to eat/drink. I ignored my boyfriend every time he told me to fly out of Newark, that is until all my NYC girlfriends told me I was nuts to go to LGA when I lived in the West Village. That was all it took. Next flight was out of Newark. Sorry, Jer... Should’ve trusted you from the start!

Anyways, I digress. Back to how so much travel and back and forth has led to me needing a major reset and detox. The summer of my 27th year is when my skin, which was kind to me all throughout my adolescence, teenage years and early twenties, decided to turn on me. And quite violently so. That, coupled with a head full of dry and brittle hair and weight gain/bloatedness, is enough for a girl to spend her entire life savings on anything that will keep her from feeling like a bloated, pimply, haggard mess for one second longer!

My brother’s wedding is this weekend, so the past couple of months were the perfect excuse to really refocus my efforts on detoxing, exercising, beautifying and just getting back on track!

Below I chat about all aspects of my ‘get back to feeling good & normal’ routine.

The links for all my favorite products are included in the descriptions!

Let me know your self-care routines in the comments!

XOXO, Paige


Lymphatic Drainage Massage: When I was in the investment fund during my MBA program, I was the healthcare analyst. One company I researched made machines that helped those who had edema from cancer, chemo, or other illnesses that do damage to the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. During my research on the company, I became obsessed with understanding the lymphatic system and how it can impact your overall health and beauty. I'd been dry brushing since college, but learned the importance of lymphatic drainage massage to break up and detox all that lymph fluid! Two of my favorite places to go in NYC are The Tox - NYC and IMD Beauty Spa, the results are unreal. Bloating, facial tension, overall 'ick' feeling, and more are all nipped in the bud. I try to go at least once a month, more if I've been traveling or am getting over being sick.

Dry Brushing: I suffer from cellulite, particularly on the backs of my thighs. Dry brushing, when done consistently, has always been the thing that really helps me see a reduction in cellulite. When doing it, it’s important to draw up towards the heart with firm (not hard) pressure. Think ankles up, wrists up and belly-button up. I like to do dry brushing before my nightly detox bath. Feel like a million bucks after! I follow it up with a magnesium lotion.

Detox Baths: Better sleep, reduced bloating, detoxification, boosted blood circulation and lymphatic system health. Just a handful of benefits of detox baths. What I put in my baths varies from day to day. My must-haves though, are magnesium flakes, epsom salts (Any will do. Don't waste money on name brands like Dr. Teals, drugstore brands will do just fine!), coconut oil, and some type of essential oil (tea tree and lavender are favorites!)

Castor Oil Packs: I’m a big castor oil fan. I use it as a lash and brow serum as well as add it into my moisturizers. Castor oil packs might be my favorite usage though. Castor oil has detoxing properties, so using the packs a couple of times a week can help detox (stomach, liver, etc.), improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and even help with period cramps. I put a heat pad or hot water bottle on top of the pack to really help the effects of the pack.

Bentonite Clay: I’m all about using clay for detox and beautifying (I use this mixing set because you can’t use metal to mix it and who wants to dirty up a food bowl). I use it on my face, but have also started using it in other ways. When I made the switch to natural deodorant, I read that the best way to make the transition easier was to do clay masks on your armpits. It helps draw out all the aluminum and other chemicals in non-natural deodorants and can even help you sweat less. I also love to use it on my body, let it dry, and then climb into my detox bath. As it comes off, it becomes part of the detox bath. You can mix with water, but I prefer to use apple cider vinegar! While we're talking apple cider vinegar, take a shot of it every morning or mix a shot into a glass of water.

Facial Massage: I carry my tension in my face and head and I, along with every other gal, have been riding the facial massage train. I do it using my hands (tons of youtube videos out there) and the various "rollers" out there, but really love using the suspect looking gold facial massagers that vibrate. They are amazing for puffiness, tension, and facial bloat!

Hydrate: Healthish sent me the cutest water bottle. It has hourly markings on it to remind you to drink and help stay up on hydrating goals. I'm a pretty good water drinker, but who doesn't need reminding? Plus the water bottle is beyond chic! Must have!

Exercise: I started working with my fabulous trainer, Dorota, at the end of in August. She has the best demeanor and I so enjoy chatting with her during our sessions that the hour of torture is actually, dare I say, enjoyable?! I’ve always been a cardio girl and have never really gotten into a weight lifting routine, but now I get what all the hype is about. A month and a half in, I feel stronger and leaner. Bonus: I hate my arms (my #1 problem area) slightly less after each workout. We took measurements when we started together and just took a second round of measurements yesterday and I was so excited to see the results! Fat loss, lean muscle mass gain, and overall inches lost in each area! Woohoo! Point of this category - if you're doing cardio and now weights, START LIFTING!


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