August is one of those in between months, especially when it comes to fashion. Fall is just around the corner, so while the weather is still warm, you're not wanting to invest in more Summer styles. August is when I start planning my Fall wardrobe, looking at the trends for the season, and identifying where I have holes in my closet that I need to fill. While I've been trying to keep my closet more streamlined, I will always make more room for more Fall fashion, especially when it comes to blazers.
My blazers are some of my favorite pieces in my entire wardrobe. They make a fabulous and classic addition to any outfit. Jeans and a white t-shirt, jean shorts and a band tee, a gorgeous pair of trousers and a blouse, a mini dress, a maxi dress? Add a blazer and all of those outfits are instantly elevated.
I have friends who aren’t fans of a blazer, and I’m always determined to change their minds. You can find cuts of blazers that suit any style or outfit: collared, uncollared, belted, oversized, cropped, menswear inspired, feminine, you name it! I love them all.
I’ve done a round-up of the blazers that I’m currently lusting after.
Shop them all HERE!
Here’s to hoping for cooler, crisper weather soon! I’m ready for it!
XOXO, Paige
