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Finds for Fall: Boots

My parents and brother Justin were in town for a few days earlier this week and while we had so much fun walking around and shopping, the crazy NYC heat made it a bit less enjoyable! After practically melting while trying to walk around Soho on their first day, I can officially say I'm over the NYC Summer and ready for Fall!

Fall is my favorite season and that is even more true when it comes to Fall in New York City! The cooler weather, the fabulous fashion, and the overall feeling of a fresh start! As F. Scott Fitzgerald put it: "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."

More on F. Scott Fitzgerald in another book blog post, but for now let's focus on the fashion! My personal style, especially for Fall fashion, is more classic. Leather, suedes, the occasional animal print and mainly in neutrals and jewel tones. I save my bright and trendy pieces for the other seasons, and let my Fall wardrobe be all about chic elegance.

My first blog post in the 'Finds For Fall' series is all about boots! Perhaps my favorite fashion staple for Fall is a really gorgeous pairs of boots. I am truly my mother's daughter, because no matter how many great pairs of boots I have, there is ALWAYS room for one more pair! This is figuratively speaking of course, because technically my cute little NYC apartment has literally NO more room for another pair of boots! But continue to buy them, I shall!

I'm shared my favorite pairs below and you can shop them all HERE!

XOXO, Paige


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