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Genre Spotlight: Thrillers

Updated: Jun 2, 2019

In my opinion, the perfect thriller is one that you're able to get through in less than 24 hours and by the time you finally finish it at 2am, you're too freaked out to sleep. I tend to avoid scary movies/shows, but I simply can't resist a really good thriller.

I have read and loved all of the books I posted below. I find myself bringing thrillers along on vacation (along with a good beach read, to take the scaries away after freaking myself out). I tell myself I do this because thrillers are just excellent reading material for a vacay, but in reality it's because it means I can crawl into bed with my mom/friend/significant other if I scare myself too much.

Most of the books I listed feature female lead characters and, for the most part, tell compelling and thought provoking stories centered around intimate relationships between husband and wife, mother and daughter, sisters, etc. The story lines and twists and turns of each novel kept me turning the page well into the early morning hours (another good reason to save a thriller for a vacation; no getting up for work in the morning). While I pride myself on being able to predict book endings, some of these books threw me for SUCH a loop; a hallmark of an excellently written thriller!

Are you a big fan of thrillers/have you read any of the titles below? Let me know in the comments! Happy reading!

XOXO, Paige



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