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Shopbop Summer Sale

All of my favorite online spots have been having sales in the last couple of weeks and it feels like all fiscal responsibility has gone OUT the window. But, when the deals are this good, can I really be blamed? 

Shopbop is currently having their ‘Sale on Sale’ Sale (how is that for a tongue twister?!) where you can get pieces up to 75% off! Shopbop is the best; fast shipping, easy-as-pie returns and the BEST selection of clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories! 

I did a round-up of some of my current picks/purchases to share with you all! Writing this blog post proved to be quite dangerous for my credit card as every time I found something cute to share on the blog, it also magically ended up in my shopping cart?! Oops! Oh well. Like I said, EASY returns! 

Who else is a major Shopbop fangirl?! For all my gentlemen readers (which likely only includes my Dad and maybe a brother or two :/) who want a spot to shop, Shopbop has a men’s site called East Dane and it’s equally amazing! For those ladies who have men in their lives that don’t like to shop, give it a look! The perfect spot for chic gifts for your man/brother/Dad! 

All the items I listed below are available to shop HERE

XOXO, Paige


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